Bookish Shop Feature: Book Nook Sleeves

Chances are if you follow my blog, you are an avid reader. If you’re like me, then you typically don’t go anywhere without a book. How do you keep your physical books safe and secure while out and about?

Y’all, when I first discovered book sleeves and Book Nook Sleeves (BNS), it was a game changer! Heather, owner of BNS, has a multitude of book sleeve options perfect for different sized books (and the sleeves can be used for other things, too – I use a mini sleeve for my glasses at night). AND book sleeves aren’t all BNS offers! To learn more about this awesome small business that both book-lovers and writers will love, check out my interview with Heather below!

Q) What inspired you to start Book Nook Sleeves?

A) I’ve always loved creating things and when I discovered book sleeves, I thought I’d make a few for myself to use. I enjoyed making them so much that I decided to start creating them for others and it took off from there.

Q) Can you tell readers about your current products available?

A) We currently offer several different products, but our most popular are: book sleeves, mug rugs, corner bookmarks, and pin hoops.

Q) If a reader would like to place a custom order, how can they do that?

A) We love custom orders! To discus custom options, please message us on Etsy.

Q) If you could speak to your younger self what advice would you give her?

A) Never give up! There are things to learn about both good and bad experiences.

Q) What is your most recent 5 star read and why did you give it 5 stars?

A) My last 5 star read was Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover. It really tugged on my heart strings!

Q) Tell us about your star employee, Lucy.

A) Lucy is our doxie that we adopted about four years ago. We don’t have kids, so she is VERY spoiled! She is never far from me while I’m sewing, prepping materials, and packing orders… although you can usually find her sleeping. She snores SO loud! lol

Q) What do you like to do in your spare time?

A) Besides reading, I enjoy traveling with my husband, Dan, spending time with friends and family, baking tasty treats, and snuggling on the couch with Lucy.

Q) Who is someone, real or fictional, that inspires you and why?

A) My mom inspires me. She is always there when I need someone to talk to and has taught me so much over the years.

Q) Can you give us some hints or sneak peeks for any new themes or products BNS will have in the new year?

A) I have several exciting things planned in 2023 for BNS. I had originally planned them for this year, but postponed them when we decided to switch all of our book sleeves over to our new foam style. There will be new items for pin collectors, readers who love big books, and some book sleeves that will be unique to our shop!

Q) Is there anything else you would like to add? 

A) Keep an eye on our social media pages!  We are working with several authors to create exclusive items for special edition boxes that we can’t wait to share with all of you.

Follow BNS on social media! And, when you place an order, remember to use code UNICORN10 for a discount! 🙂

Published by Kayla E. Green

Kayla E. Green is a school librarian, speculative fiction author, and poet. When she isn’t writing, reading, or going on adventures with her husband, she loves singing loudly and off-key to KLove Radio, snuggling her dogs, and pretending she’s a unicorn. Her award-winning YA fantasy novella, Aivan: The One Truth, and her inspirational poetry collection, Metamorphosis, are now available through book retailers. Kayla also has stories and poems featured in various anthologies. Follow The Unicorn Writer's blog for book reviews, author interviews, writing advice, and more bookish fun!

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